Who We Are

      My name is Kim Weaver and I am the owner of Once Upon A Playhouse!  
I would love to share a little back story on the "why" for the playhouse.
As some of you know, our 2-year-old Callie, was born with a cleft lip and palate. Callie ended up with a feeding tube and multiple surgeries, and we are unfortunately still not done. We deal with sensory overstimulation, and speech delay, and even went through physical therapy last year. 
I have learned to be able to advocate for my child, and I always thought that's what I would be able to pass along to others. My prayer during our entire journey has always been that if we have to endure this, let it be to help someone else. Little did I know this is what it would look like. We have been in and out of multiple specialists and therapy clinics. Our journey has sparked some incredible friendships with her therapists, who have helped me bring my vision to life with the playhouse.  
My heart is after the families that can't go to a typical indoor playground, whether it be because of physical limitations, neurodivergence, sensory overstimulation, etc. I have been so mindful in selecting equipment for the playhouse, trying to intentionally choose things to include children that are often excluded. One example I like to give is, we have sensory swings! Any child can enjoy those right? One swing I was able to purchase is called a full support swing, specifically made for special needs children. This will give children that maybe have physical limitations and can't hold themselves in an upright seated position, the ability to come into our facility and swing.  
As a mother, I can't imagine walking into a place and finding equipment that has been so intentionally selected to accommodate my child and what that would feel like. With all that being said, I truly believe this is a place any child will be able to come and enjoy themselves. I am so excited to bring this place to our community.

Check out the article about the Playhouse in the Dalton Daily Citizen
